
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

During June the S&P 500 tends to be true to the trend | Wayne Whaley

The S&P has a well deserved reputation for being flat as a pancake in the summer with June no exception, coming in at 31-19 over the last 50 years for a pedestrian type, 0.52% average monthly gain.  However, if the market is behaving well, the month of June has tended to follow suit. Below, I took the last 50 yrs and split them into 3 categories comprised of years where

1. January - May was negative
2January - May was 0-8% and
3January - May was greater then 8%.

In those 35 years in which the S&P was positive for the 1st five months of the year, the month of June was 27-8 with the 3% June moves, 12-1 in the positive direction as opposed to a 4-11 June record in those years where the 1st five months of the year were negative with the 3% June moves 1-4.

In particular, the +8% January-May starts saw June averaging a 2.34% gain. As of Tuesday's close, May 28, the S&P is up 11.24% for the first five months of 2024.