
Saturday, October 14, 2023

Fighting the Civilisation of Dajjal - the Antichrist | Alexander Dugin

The escalation of hostilities between Israel and Palestine undoubtedly unifies the Islamic world. Western conservatives once again invoke the defence of a ‘Judeo-Christian civilisation’ in the face of Muslims – the radical ideology of Hamas gives them a convenient pretext. Yet, a society deeply rooted in atheism, materialism, and the legalisation of various perversions, which has long since  abandoned theology and traditional values, cannot be considered either 'Christian' nor 'Jewish'. There is no such thing as a 'Judeo-Christian' world. This is pure nonsense. In contrast, the Islamic world exists, and its traditions remain strong. The dynamic is not Judeo-Christians versus Muslims; it is Muslims against a satanic culture, against Dajjal - the Antichrist.

» The collective West represents the utmost evil – the civilisation of Dajjal, the Antichrist. «
Biden’s idea to merge the themes of supporting Ukraine with that of Israel underlines this: the West always sides with those who obey its hegemony. Muslims were not enemies of Ukraine or allies of Russia (except the eschatologically awakened Iran and Syria), but now they may be. Russia represents a pole in a multipolar world, and Islam represents a pole in a multipolar world. Both poles stand against the West’s desperate attempts to maintain – even if it risks a world war – unipolarity and global dominance. The Palestinian conflict with Israel was not a civilisational frontline. Now it is. Similarly, the tensions between Russia and Ukraine were regional until the West supported the Nazis in Kiev. This made the war in Ukraine a frontline of a global confrontation between multipolarity and unipolarity.

The scale of this confrontation is expanding. The situation grows increasingly sinister. Billions globally are convinced that the collective West and its allies represent the utmost evil – the civilisation of Dajjal. Democrats, globalists, and neoconservatives are leading humanity straight into the abyss, strictly speaking, this is what demons are supposed to do.

Alexander Dugin (Oct 14, 2023) - Islam Will Prevail in the Multipolar World.