
Friday, October 20, 2023

Against the Genocidal Zionist Regime | Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss

We have a message for this Nakba Day [May 15] 2023 commemorating the 75th year of the Zionist occupation of Palestine: We want the world to know that what is being perpetrated against the Palestinian people,  the oppression, the subjugation, the terrible cruelty is not in the name of our religion. It is not in the name of the Star of David. It is not in the name of the Jewish people around the world who are true to the Jewish religion. Because we are Jews, because we are Jewish and because we are true to our religion, we are in total opposition to the existence of the Zionist state of Israel. I call it Zionist state of Israel because it is Zionist, not Jewish. We want the world to know that the Zionist movement is not a Jewish movement. It is a political materialist movement created by heretics and they simply try to incorporate our religion in order to intimidate and silence people and call them anti-semitic if they stand in opposition. But this is patently false.

Zionism is the cause of bloodshed of Palestinians and Jews alike. It is the cause of the oppression not only of the Muslims and the Christians in Palestine but also of the Jews. Hundreds of thousands of Jews have lived in Palestine prior to the establishment of the Zionist state of Israel in 1948. Jews have lived there and they're continuing to live there till today. They stand in Palestine, they demonstrate daily against the Zionist regime and get brutally beaten and arrested. This is the sad story of this terrible Nakba, the Palestinian Catastrophe, the destruction of the Palestinian society and homeland in 1948, and the permanent displacement of a majority of the Palestinian Arabs. It is a tragedy, a calamity and God with his compassion will see the suffering. And even today, the last few days, how we see daily the death and suffering of the Palestinians. This is all because of Zionism, not Judaism. We can once again live together in harmony - Jews and Arabs - as we've had lived together for all these hundreds and hundreds of years. And Jews could show their gratitude to the Arab and Muslim countries for their embracing Jews and giving them a home. 
Insha'Allah, soon in our days.

» In contrast to classical colonialism, in settler colonialism the focus is on eliminating, rather than exploiting,
 the original inhabitants of a territory. Commonly cited cases of settler colonialism include the United States,
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
«  — Patrick Wolfe (2006)

See also:
» Until his death in 1934, Baron Edmond de Rothschild  provided support for Jewish colonists,
 overseeing dozens of new colonies, earning the name 'The Benefactor'.
— The Rothschild Archive's website.