
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Predictable Cycles in Geomagnetic Activity | Theodor Landscheidt

Geomagnetic storms, which are released by energetic solar eruptions, are important geophysical events. Newer results indicate that there is a connection with weather. Figure 1 shows the zonal type of atmospheric circulation as a result of geomagnetic disturbances caused by the sun’s eruptional activity, and meridional circulation related to a lull in geomagnetic activity. This is a permanent feature that regulates the prevalence of warm westerly flow or cool arctic air over Europe and North America. 

The bulk flow speed of the solar wind, which is indicative of the energy of eruptional mass ejections and resultant shock waves caused by solar eruptions, is strongly coupled to geomagnetic activity, which in turn seems to be the common factor of a wide variety of terrestrial phenomena.

Quoted from:
Theodor Landscheidt (1989) - Predictable Cycles in Geomagnetic Activity and Ozone Levels.
In: Cycles, November/December 1989, Foundation for the Study of Cycles.