
Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Lunar Chaos Theory | Al Larson

As the planets orbit the sun, they exert tidal forces upon the gases of the gun, much as the moon raises tides on the earth. The equation below describes these forces. Numerical solution of this equation reveals that Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Saturn are the most Influential, in that order. In Figure 1 shows this tidal effect caused by planets 1 and 2 rotating a gaseous portion of the sun's surface. These gas swirls cause several solar effects, including sun spots, coronal holes, and solar flares. All these effects combine to vary the amount of radiation that leaves the sun.

This solar radiation travels toward the earth in two ways, as direct radiation, such as sunshine and radio waves, and as particles, carried by the solar wind. This flow of charged particles forms a torrent of energy that blast spaceship earth, creating a bow wave and a wake just as a boat going upstream would do. This bow shock wave forms a magneto-pause between the earth and the sun. It interacts with the earth's magnetic field, shaping and adding energy to it. At the north and south poles, the charged particles follow the magnetic lines of force, and enter our atmosphere in a Polar Cap Absorption Event. This leads to the auroral oval, producing our Northern and Southern Lights.

The bow wave also creates an envelope about the earth, called the magnetosphere. As the solar wind flows past the earth, the magnetosphere forms a teardrop shaped envelope of trapped particles, ending in the magneto-tail. It is inside this envelope that the moon orbits. As the solar radiation varies, so does the earth's magnetic field, atmospheric ionization, and temperature. Scientists have tracked down a host of relationships between these events and a variety of earthly phenomena such as climate, weather, crime rates, plant growth rates, frequency of thunderstorms, blood PH levels, psychiatric emergencies, etc.  My own work has related these events to market action as well.

I believe there is also a third mechanism at work, one involving the moon. Let me explain: The moon's orbit is the most complex of all the ten bodies under consideration. While a planet's position may be accurately computed from an equation containing about nine or so terms, computing the moon's location to the same accuracy requires over 100 terms. Some of these terms are directly traceable to the pull of various planets and the sun on the moon. For example, there is a term related to Venus, our closest planetary neighbor. All these terms still do not describe a stable orbit, but one that rotates slowly In space, coming back to the same orientation in about 18.6 years. This is the moon's nodal cycle. Most people are familiar with the moon's full moon, new moon, or synodic cycle of 29.531 days. Many have tried to correlate it with market movements. The moon has many other cycles. It moves closer to and further from the earth, in what is the moon’s anomalistic cycle, which ls 27.554 days long. As the moon passes through the ecliptic plane (the plane of the earth's orbit) it crosses at its node, to form the moon's draconic cycle of 27.212 days (so named by the ancient Chinese who viewed this cycle as having the power of a dragon). Further, as the moon passes the earth’s equator, it forms the lunar tropical cycle of 27.321 days. There is also the motion from star to star, which is the sidereal cycle, of 27.322 days. Additionally, since the moon's orbit tips approximately 5 degrees, the observer on earth sees the moon 'ride high' or 'ride low' as it revolves in its orbit. The venerable Farmer’s Almanac points out the effect of this on tides, weather, and earthquakes.

I have, I believe, discovered another lunar cycle that I call the lunar chaos cycle. Figure 2 shows this cycle pictorially. My theory is that as the moon rides high and low, and moves closer and further from the earth, that the moon crosses the boundary between the ionized particles trapped in the moon's wake and the fast flowing solar wind. Figure 2 shows this possibly happening at two full moon positions (1 and 2) and two new moon positions (3 and 4). Such boundary crossings would lead to sharp disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field, affecting those of us who live within it.

A further perturbation can be theorized as well. This is the perturbation of the nearby planets Mercury and Venus. When the moon balances on the edge of the magneto-pause, a chaotic balance point exits. Either interior planet can tug the moon into the solar wind, tipping the balance just as Lorenz's Butterfly Effect tips the balance in weather.

[...] While at first it may be hard for the average buyer or seller of stocks and commodities to accept that his fortunes are controlled by a burning ball of gas and ten pieces of revolving rock, this study presents scientific evidence that this indeed may be true. The theory of lunar chaos does provide a rational explanation of possible cause and effect. The statistics of correlation, while they do not 'prove' the theory correct, are sufficiently strong to permit one to claim that this theory is possible.
Quoted from:
Al Larson a.k.a. Dr. Hans Hannula (1991) - A Lunar Chaos Theory.
In: Cycles, January/February 1991, Foundation of the Study of Cycles.
See also: