
Friday, February 16, 2024

I told Tucker Carlson 'We are Fighting the same Enemy' │ Alexander Dugin

I think Russian and Western patriots have exactly the same enemy. And my recent conversation with Tucker Carlson, with whom I had the chance to speak here in Moscow during his visit, has totally convinced me about this. Because we started immediately to speak as brothers to each other, not as enemies who fight each other. Tucker Carlson is absolutely not pro-Russian. He's a liberal and an American patriot, and I am a Russian patriot. 
Saint George killing the dragon, the common enemy of the human race

Obviously, we have many things in common but also disagreements concerning geopolitics, multi-polarity, Protestantism or Liberalism, for example. But in spite of all these, the main core of our world vision is the same. We are both fighting for Christianity, for the faith, for the roots, for the tradition, for the eternity, and for the human dignity. And we are fighting exactly the same enemy.
So we need to take inspiration from each other. I am considered to be the main anti-Western Russian thinker. But I love Western tradition and admire Western philosophers. I am a follower of Plato, of Heidegger, of Aristotle, and of Christian thought in the West and in the East. We are totally free to have this inspiration from the classical heritage of each other because the Russian tradition has maybe the same roots as the Western one.

Plato, Aristotle, Greece, Rome, Byzantine Empire, Roman Empire, Mediterranean culture - all that we have in common. And we try to preserve, to conserve and to save something of it because the modern Western elite eliminates anything that has real classical roots. In that sense, we are in the same boat and on the same front line with American and Western European patriots. It is not about either West or East. It is about tradition and roots versus globalism and its artificial, anti-human and nihilist hegemony. That is our common enemy.
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