
Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Bretton Woods International Monetary System | Imran N. Hosein

Gold and silver have continuously functioned successfully as money all through our history as a civilization, until modern Western civilization emerged with an agenda of establishing its dominion over the rest of the world. In the wake of the first and second world wars a new European monetary system was formally established at the Bretton Woods Conference held in 1944. Agreement was reached amongst the Western rulers of the world on a monetary system in which only one currency, the US dollar, would be redeemable in gold at the rate of $35 per ounce of gold. All other currencies in the world would have their value determined in relation to the US dollar. Secondly, only governments, through their central banks, could redeem dollars for gold. Ordinary people who would be required to use paper currencies, could not redeem any currency for gold. An institution known as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) would be established and each member state of the IMF would be required to deposit with the IMF 25% of all gold reserves that the state possessed.
 The US was founded by Satanists and is ruled by Satanists ever since. This is their 'Great Seal'.
» Annuit Cœptis. MDCCLXXVI. Novus Ordo Seclorum. «
» He has favored our undertakings. 1776. New Order of the Ages. «
Most of the 'Founding Fathers' of the United States of America were freemasons following the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. In their Great Seal » He « is radiating above a 13 layers pyramid. The realm between » He « and the pyramid below is enlightened by  » He « and reserved for the chosen few most blessed, most obedient and most ablest amongst his masons. 13 is the number of the founding federal states of the United States of America. So who is » He « ? His freemason worshipers call him Lucifer and Lord Satan and consider him bearer and bringer of light, great insights and mundane powers. The above original Great Seal of the United States of America was crafted in 1782, six years after the American Revolution in 1776 and one year after constituting the United States of America as an all-embracing imperial federal republic in the model and spirit of the Roman Republic's Empire. The United States of America was founded as the epicenter of an universal empire to come, as the shining fortress of » He «named 'New Jerusalem', from where an unprecedented conquest and rule over all worlds beyond was to begin.
After the establishment of the Bank for International Settlements in 1930, after the abolition of the US dollar's gold standard and after the seizure of the goyim's gold in 1933, the original Great Seal of the United States of America was added in 1935 to the dollar bill's design along the words 'In God We Trust' by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a 32nd degree Grand Master of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and the 32nd US President.
In fact, gold that was deposited with the IMF functioned merely as a means through which states could seek loans on interest (backed by something of value) from the IMF. More importantly, to the extent that member-states faithfully complied with the requirement of depositing that gold, the IMF would know the extent of gold reserves of each member-state. This was further assured through a requirement that member-states must report to the Fund all sales and purchases of gold. Why would the US-controlled - and hence Zionist-controlled - IMF be so interested in knowing the quantum of gold reserves in the possession of all countries in the world? 
 » The IMF claimed 25% of the world's gold and prohibited the use of gold as money. «
What was not disclosed however was that the US dollar would remain redeemable in gold only for as long as it was convenient for the US government to honor the legal obligation to do so. And just as ominous was the other possibility that if the US government could renege on its legal obligation to redeem US dollars for gold under the Articles of Agreement of the IMF, it could also refuse to repatriate 25% or more of the world’s gold stored in USA in accordance with IMF requirements. 
'The House of the Temple', officially: 'Home of The Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, Washington D.C., U.S.A.'; and 'The George Washington Masonic National Memorial'.
Let us pause for a moment to remind those who are unaware, that the US government has already abandoned its legal obligation to redeem US dollars for gold in August 1971, and now refuses to even audit gold belonging to the rest of the world, that is stored in the US. Strangely and mysteriously, the use of gold as money was prohibited in the Articles of Agreement of the IMF. Nowhere was an explanation offered for this strange prohibition. The likely reasons for the prohibition of the use of gold as money are as follows:
  1. To prevent the possibility that gold used as money could threaten, and cause a collapse, of the bogus paper money monetary system.
  2. To ensure that gold belonging to the rest of the world, but stored in USA, would remain undisturbed in US territory until the time arrived when the monetary system of paper money collapsed and the world returned to gold as money. At that time the legal prohibition of the use of gold as money would be removed, and gold stored with the Zionist owned and controlled Federal Reserve Bank in NY, could then be secretly and illegally transferred to Israel (the transfer may already have taken place) so that Israel’s rule over the world of money might remain unchallenged and unchallengeable. The gold stored in USA would remain largely undisturbed since there would be no reasons for a member-state to seek to repatriate its gold. What would they do with their gold, other than keeping it as a store of value? It could not be used as money.
  3. Once the member-states of the IMF had deposited 25% of their gold reserves with the IMF (i.e., with USA), member-states had begun to take IMF loans that were secured by that gold, and it would then be possible to encourage them to store more and more of their gold reserves with the IMF. If they held on to their gold, they could not use it in any way that would benefit them. And so this provision of the Articles of Agreement opened a way for USA to eventually be entrusted with storage of most of the gold reserves of the world.
Is it by accident or by design that decolonization resulted in the rest of the non-European world becoming part of a mysterious and ominous new European monetary system in which, for the first time in human history, mankind was prohibited by international law from using gold as money, and in which money with intrinsic value was replaced by money with no intrinsic value?
» First we plunder the Americans, then the Mexicans, the Tsars, the Germans and the Ottomans. Then all of mankind. «
Paul M. Warburg (1868 - 1932), German-born investment banker; Rothschild agent at Wall Street since 1895; 
Philantropist and brother of Otto H. Warburg, head of the World Zionist Organization in 1911;
Architect of the US Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Bank; Spiritus rector of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913;
Original member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in 1914; Second Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve 1916 - 1918;  
Issuer of Liberty war bonds in 1917; inventor of the post-World War I gold reparation and confiscation schemes enforced upon the defeated German, Austrian and Ottoman empires during the Versailles and Sèvres conferences 1919-1920, where his German brother Felix M. Warburg is part of the German empire's delegation reaching for a peace treaty;
Visionary and pioneer of the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund
and of a globalized New Deal for Lord Satan's New Order of the Ages.
Is it by accident or by design that the new European monetary system supported a European banking system which together operated in such ways that they and their clients grew incredibly wealthy while the rest of the world was imprisoned in increasing poverty and destitution?
Has that economic impoverishment lead to political servitude? Is it true or is it false that modern political servitude invariably implies conformity with a Zionist agenda? Is it by accident or by design that European Zionist Jews and Zionist Christians have a firm control over that monetary and international banking system and are using it to the advantage of the State of Israel?
Is it by accident or by design that the modern secular West continued the Jihad, known as the crusades, waged by medieval Christian Europe to liberate the Holy Land from Muslim rule, until success was finally achieved in 1917? Why did non-European Christians refrain from participating in an ostensibly Christian Jihad? Why did western European Christian crusaders fight their eastern Christian brothers-in-faith while making their way to the Holy Land?
Is it by accident or by design that the West then presided over the birth of a State of Israel in the Holy Land some 2000 years after Holy Israel was destroyed by divine decree, and the Jews were then brought back by hook and by crook to reclaim the Holy Land as their own some 2000 years after they were expelled from it? 
Did all of the above take place by accident, or was it part of a grand design that would eventually make it possible for Israel to rule the world? Why would Israel want to rule the world?
Quoted from:
See also:

For the first time in history the world is witnessing mass murder and genocide live on television. 
The United States and the State of Israel will both be held accountable for their crimes in the Holy Land.