
Saturday, November 11, 2023

Li Jingjing's World | The Tianxia System For A Possible World Order

» Where were you, why didn't you invest in them?  «

» In this video, I share my own story of seeing how infrastructures lifted China out of extreme poverty, 
and my observations of Belt and Road projects in Asia, Africa, and Europe. 
I also give my analysis of why some Western politicians designed the whole smear campaign on Xinjiang. «
Tianxia (天下) ─  » All-under-Heaven «  or » Celestial Empire «  ─ is a Chinese cultural concept that denotes the entire geographical world and the metaphysical realm of mortals. Today Tianxia is mainly associated with political sovereignty, the Chinese Civilization-State and international relations governed by universal and well-defined principles of order.
Conquer hearts and minds. Develop cooperation. Create wealth.