
Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Plot Of US Banks To Seize Russia | Martin A. Armstrong

New York investment bankers staged a financial coup against Russia in the late 1990s. The main goal was to make Russia dependent on US money in the long term. Russian billionaire and oligarch Boris Berezovsky played a key role in this process. The head of the Republic National Bank of New York and the US fund Hermitage Capital, Edmond Safra, was the one who funded the whole wire. Whether the US government was involved, I'm not entirely sure. But the bankers definitely were. And what they were after is basically they got Yeltsin to steal effectively 7 billion dollars from IMF loans. 

Edmond J. Safra (1932–1999)

Once the transfer was completed, Safra reported to the US government and the FBI about Yeltsin's alleged money laundering activities via the Bank of New York. Then the prosecutors immediately went to the Bank of New York and then they threatened Yeltsin and said: look, you resign and put this guy Berezovsky and everything will be fine. And Yeltsin at that stage realized that this all was a set up. That's when he turned to the young Vladimir Putin, who confiscated all assets of Hermitage Capital in Russia. New York bankers urged me to participate in the financial coup against Russia. They tried to get me to invest in Hermitage Capital and I declined. I said: look, this is gonna collapse, it's not gonna work. They wanted me to put in ten billion dollar, and I said no 'I'm not up with my clients' money into it'. I refused. When they started this nonsense about me, I told them ‘look, Republic stole the money.' And the government said ‘we believe Republic'. I said Ok, fine, and I did an interview with the Japan press. During this interview I told the truth, and right afterwards I became the target of US intelligence. US intelligence agencies have repeatedly tried to lure out my secret formula that helped me to predict the 1998 financial crisis in Russia, but I refused. When Russia collapsed, that's when the CIA basically came in and said: 'look, we want this model '. We offered to provide forecasting for them, and they basically said no they had to own it. And that's why I said ‘no'. The US authorities detained me because of my refusal to collaborate. I served a prison sentence from 1999 to 2011.

Perhaps the number one question I always get about the ordeal I went through and the sheer chaos that surrounded everything, was just who really was behind the plot to blackmail the former head of Russia Boris Yeltsin to stop him from running for reelection in 2000 and hand-pick Boris Abramovich Berezovsky? It is true I even had a meeting with the US Attorney Office on the subject when they realized that Republic National Bank and Edmond Safra had set up even Bank of New York as the center piece in the plot. As the players that surrounded me have mysteriously died, hanged themselves, been imprisoned, released, just saying they were denied a fair trial without explanation as with the nurse that supposedly killed Safra, this wild plot is still the classic who-done-it that may not be solved until someone gets the secret files tucked away on this one. Bereszovsky, who fled to Britain obtaining political asylum, suddenly hangs himself. Then there is the lawyer/accountant Sergei Magnitsky, who represented Safra’s Hermitage Capital Management mysteriously dies in prison awaiting trial and then is given a posthumous trial and found guilty. While he was portrayed in the West as a whistle-blower, don’t forget so was Safra against Bank of New York. This then led Congress to strangely pass the Magnitsky Act to a bill to impose sanctions on persons responsible for the detention, abuse, or death of Sergei Magnitsky, for the conspiracy to defraud the Russian Federation of taxes on corporate profits through fraudulent transactions and lawsuits against Hermitage. This is curiously strange for a foreign act to prompt Congress to pass a law in the USA. We cannot leave out Edmond Safra’s own mysterious murder in Monaco that took the fire company hours to reach being just 10 minutes away while his more than 20 bodyguards were all given the night off and reported bullets in his body with his nurse saying Russians dressed as ninjas showed up.

In August 1999 Boris Yeltsin appointed Vladimir Putin prime minister.

What I do know is there appears to have been a plot to take over Russia and that came from sources directly in Russia at the time. My case began September 13th, 1999 and Safra was killed December 3rd. Within a week the government moved to put me in contempt and stop my request for a speedy trial. It came out in court that bullets were left in my mailbox to warn me to shut up. But I was in the public spot light so they created a contempt and through me in to suspend everything. Safra was linked with Boris Abramovich Berezovsky and allegedly Vladimir Aleksandrovich Gusinsky, the media tycoon. As the plot was laid out by Russian sources, Yeltsin was convinced to take $7 billion from the IMF funds to refurbish the Kremlin – a staggering amount of money. The funds were wired to a largely unknown company in Switzerland. The wire was steered through Bank of New York and as soon as it was made, Safra had his bank run to the Feds and report that Bank of New York had just conducted a money laundering event. The Feds ran in wide-eyed and of course announced their action to the world before thoroughly investigating the allegations of Safra. I had a personal meeting with Dov Schlien president of Republic National Bank in March 1999 where he asked me to invest $10 billion offering a letter of credit guarantee. I sent an email to Tokyo explaining the offer to our office there. It was at this time that THE CONSPIRATORS threatened Yeltsin with exposure of his theft of $7 billion on the world stage. The demand was to appoint Berezovsky as the new President of Russia and for Yeltsin to step down and not run in 2000. Yeltsin, realizing he was set up, turned to Putin who nobody had heard of. As the story goes, Putin promised to take care of everything if Yeltsin appointed him instead, Yeltsin resigned on December 31, 1999, after Safra was killed on December 3rd in Monaco. The Presidential elections were held in Russia on the 26th of March 2000 formally electing Putin.

Berezovsky and Gusinsky fled Russia with their assets confiscated with the former gaining political asylum in Britain and the latter taking off to Israel. I even had a meeting with the Assistant US Attorney in NY in April 2000 about this mess because they ran into huge problems with the whole Bank of New York alleged $7 billion Money Laundering. They could not get any cooperation from the Russian government. It was Edmond Safra’s Republic National Bank then ran to the US Government in August 1999 and informed them that the Bank of New York had just wired $7 billion to Switzerland in a money laundering scam. The US authorities ran in immediately. The wire was sent to Mabetex, which was the Swiss based company ran by Kosovo/Swiss entrepreneur Behgjet Pacolli who claimed to have the contract to refurbish the Kremlin. He became President of Kosovo in 2011. The Bank of New York broker Lucy Edwards pleaded guilty but did no jail time because she 'cooperated' with the government. At her sentencing, the Judge simply asked who was the $7 billion money laundering for? She replied it was a 'ransom' for a Russian businessman. The Judge did not bother to even ask any names. The classic cover-up as if anyone would ever pay $7 billion ransom.

See also: