
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Mass Surrender of Ukrainian Troops before the Russian Army

Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are opting to surrender to the Russian Army, also through a newly established Russian radio frequency. Clayton Morris, an American journalist, expressed his astonishment: "This is a story the western media does not want you to see." Russian Army officials claim around 10,000 Ukrainian fighters have dropped their arms.

"We are working to prevent pointless bloodshed among Ukrainian soldiers.
We are distributing leaflets asking those servicemen to surrender.

Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized earlier in September that Ukrainian troops had failed to achieve any significant success on all the front lines. This week, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu informed reporters that during the failed counteroffensive in Kiev, the Ukrainian armed forces (UAF) suffered substantial losses of over 17,000 soldiers and more than 2,700 pieces of weaponry, all within the span of September alone. Since the start of this botched push, the UAF have lost at least 84,000 soldiers, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has vowed that Russia will capture more territory in Ukraine, a year after the claimed annexation of four Ukrainian regions, presented by Vladimir Putin as the fulfillment of the imperial project of ‘New Russia’. "The special military operation (in Ukraine) will continue until the complete destruction of the Nazi regime in Kiev and the liberation of originally Russian territories from the hands of the enemy," Medvedev declared. "Victory will be ours. And more new regions will join Russia," the second in command of the Russian Security Council added. More new regions? Odessa next.
Sep 30, 2023 - Another War Lost - Zelenskyy Curse Hits The U.S.