
Sunday, February 26, 2023

American Unipolar World Supremacy Is Over | 250 Year Empire Cycle Ended

The Global American Uni-Polar World Supremacy is over. Since last week China has officially aligned and merged its foreign policy interests with those of Russia, and considers the US an hostile, aggressive, and destructive rogue superpower, very harmful to the entire international community. The US Empire is now in implosion mode into it's timely demise during 2023. This is what Serge Bernard's 250 Year Empire Life Cycle suggests; the Fourth Turning took place in 2008, and the collapse-indicator tick-lists in Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb's work allow for very similar conclusions. 

China and Russia just merged their national interests and all means available in order to establish a new alternative system of international relations, law, finance and trade. Not a multi-polar, but a new bi-polar world system with (1.) the US Empire reduced to the Collective West, consisting mainly of Canada, Australia and some failed vassal-states in western Eurasia, and (2.) the Russian-Chinese Big Space, the Heartland, absorbing the entire Global South in an instant. 
All ingredients for hell about to break lose upon the dollar system are in, and Ray Dalio's 'perfect storm' is making landfall?
