
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The Moon-Stats | Jack Gillen

Jack Gillen (2002) - There is a Moon statistic that falls into the 70 - 100 percent group but is closer to the 70 percent group, and that’s the Moon’s transit from Virgo to Pisces
Virgo to Pisces Moon Cycle 2019 - 2026
Therefore, if you are looking to go long with a stock it’s best to start during this period. For instance, in the year 2003, on the tables we have January 21st - February 3rd. This is indicating that at the closing price of January 21st would represent the Moon in Virgo, and the fact that you can have a big drop in the market with the Moon in Virgo, is the reason this is based on the closing price. Therefore, by going long during this period it is indicating to you there is a 70 percent chance that on February 3rd the Dow Jones Industrial Average will be higher [...] and if you have a stock you want to short, your best chance would be from the sign of Pisces to Virgo.
Quoted from:
Jack Gillen (2002) - AstroStats for the New York Stock Exchange.