
Saturday, December 22, 2018

S&P 500 vs Planets under Fire | The Concept of Combustion

Indian astrology cultivates the idea that a planet in geocentric conjunction with the Sun is burned by
the massive heat and fire, hence it combusts, is losing its luster and shine, and becomes powerless.
The event is called combustion, and the affected planet becomes a combust planet. The Sanskrit word for
combustion is kopa, meaning angry. However, the chart above extends this concept of combustion by
the parallel of declination of planets and the Sun. A parallel aspect is formed between two planets
with the same declination or distance north or south of the ecliptic. If the planets are both North
or both South of the ecliptic, the parallel aspect is read as a conjunction. If they are the same
declination but one is North and one is South, then the contra-parallel is read as a 180 degree
opposition. These aspects are strongest when the orb is kept to 1 degree. They can also magnify the
intensity of any other aspect between the two planets or points. Planets in geocentric conjunctions
of longitude [000] and declination [#] with the Sun are:

2018 Oct 26 (Fri) 10:16 = SUN # VEN + SUN 000 VEN
2018 Nov 03 (Sat) 10:49 = SUN # VEN
2018 Nov 05 (Mon) 00:05 = SUN # MAR
2018 Nov 21 (Wed) 23:55 = SUN # JUP
2018 Nov 25 (Sun) 23:42 = SUN # MER
2018 Nov 26 (Mon) 01:33 = SUN # JUP + SUN 000 JUP
2018 Nov 27 (Tue) 04:14 = SUN # MER + SUN 000 MER

2018 Dec 02 (Sun) 18:33 = SUN # PLU
2018 Dec 07 (Fri) 11:00 = SUN # SAT

2018 Dec 31 (Mon) 07:37 = SUN # MER
2019 Jan 02 (Wed) 00:49 = SUN # SAT + SUN 000 SAT
2019 Jan 06 (Sun) 22:58 = SUN # SAT
2019 Jan 10 (Thu) 11:35 = SUN # PLU
2019 Jan 11 (Fri) 00:37 = SUN # JUP
2019 Jan 11 (Fri) 06:38 = SUN # PLU + SUN 000 PLU
2019 Jan 22 (Tue) 06:04 = SUN # VEN
2019 Jan 29 (Tue) 21:49 = SUN # MER + SUN 000 MER
2019 Feb 06 (Wed) 10:59 = SUN # MER
2019 Mar 04 (Mon) 10:51 = SUN # NEP
2019 Mar 06 (Wed) 20:00 = SUN # NEP + SUN 000 NEP
2019 Mar 14 (Thu) 21:46 = SUN # MER + SUN 000 MER

2019 Mar 18 (Mon) 11:24 = SUN # MER
2019 Mar 22 (Fri) 14:47 = SUN # CHI + SUN 000 CHI
2019 Mar 30 (Sat) 05:53 = SUN # CHI
2019 Apr 21 (Sun) 08:28 = SUN # URA
2019 Apr 22 (Mon) 19:07 = SUN # URA + SUN 000 URA
2019 May 21 (Tue) 09:06 = SUN 000 MER

Previous correlations between the stock market and combustion events HERE