
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Cosmic Cluster Days | August - September 2018

The assumption is that heliocentric and geocentric angles between planets coincide with changes in trend
in financial markets. A signal is triggered when the composite line of all aspects breaks above or below
the Cosmic Noise Channel.
From July 24 (Tue) into the end of July we will experience the densest Cosmic Cluster period during the
entire year 2018: Jul 24 (Tue), Jul 25 (Wed), Jul 26 (Thu), Jul 27 (Fri), Jul 28 (Sat), Jul 31 (Tue).
Upcoming Cosmic Cluster Days in August and September are: Aug 13 (Mon), Aug 14 (Tue), Aug 19 (Sun),
Aug 22 (Wed), Aug 24 (Fri), Sep 06 (Thu), Sep 22 (Sat), Sep 23 (Sun), Oct 04 (Thu), Oct 15 (Mon).
Previous CCDs are HERE
Review of S&P 500 Index vs Cosmic Cluster Days in July 2018 | Preview for August 2018:
And just ahead of us is the biggest Cosmic Cluster during 2018: July 24-28 (Tue-Sat).