
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Geometry of Infinite Mind | Ernest Emery Richards

Ernest Emery Richards (1990) - All life on Earth has developed under the influence of this geomagnetic field which varies in structure and dynamic properties via geomagnetic pulsations. These pulsations are due to the interaction of the plasma waves coming from throughout the Solar System and Cosmos and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.

Solar System and Brainwave Frequencies.

When our brain and body rhythms are measured electromagnetically, they are found to occur prominently within what is termed the ELF (extremely low frequency) spectrum and lower. This brainwave spectrum is also divided into band segments, called the alpha (greatest amplitude)(8 to 16 Hz.), beta (16 to 32 Hz.), theta (4 to 8 Hz.), delta (2 to 4 Hz.), and zeta (1 to 2 Hz.), ranging from 32 cycles per second (Hertz) and down below 1 cps (Hz.).

Earth Frequencies.
The measurable presence of these different frequencies seems to indicate changes in individual consciousness. An example might be that a relaxed, attentive state develops strong alpha wave rhythms; these are also the prominent Earth resonant frequency ranges. The theta rhythms are found to occur during the dream period, and also while experiencing a spontaneous creative, intuitive state. The theta frequencies are seen to have strong lunar rhythm harmonics. The Moon has long been associated with our intuitive, creative capacity.

When calculations are performed related to the solar system and the planets, it is found that all of the planets and most of their moons have frequency aspects which fall within our brainwave spectrum. All of the planetary systems have electromagnetic field structures and prominent magnetospheric frequencies. Our home solar system forms a complex, harmonically interrelating, multi-octave musical instrument composed of over forty octaves of vibrational interplay. Your brain/body structure resonates to those continually fluctuating field patterns as they beat against the Earth's, Moon's, and Sun's natural rhythms.

[...] The Earth sets up a pattern of electromagnetic vibrations between its circumference frequency, around 7.5 Hertz (cycles per second) and its radius frequency of 47 Hertz (Hz.). The atmospheric cavity Schumann Resonance spectrum has been measured via electronic detection instruments. This Schumann Resonance, which occurs within the Earth and its surrounding energy field, has immediate impact upon planetary life-forms. When we measure our own brainwave electromagnetic signals, we see displayed these very same Earth vibrations. Since the Earth is very much alive vibrationally, these electromagnetic signals are continually changing and interacting.