
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Bradley Indices | Geocentric + Heliocentric | 2016

Arch Crawford & Larry Pesavento (2002) - The Bradley model, described by Donald Bradley in his 1948 booklet ‘Stock Market Predictions’, has gained quite a bit of notoriety in recent years because of its incredible accuracy. Although the forecasts repeat with stunning regularity, it should not be construed as the “Holy Grail”. Long-term studies emphasize that it is a probability not a certainty. With that caveat, we will examine Bradley’s sidereal potential line as it takes into consideration every on of the classical Ptolemic harmonic angles between any 2 planet pairs.


Its strength and its weakness is that some years, it will precisely point up Highs, Lows and Turning dates for the Major Stock Market Indices, and other years will seem a random mishmash of useless squiggles. The Turning Dates are the most reliable portion of the Bradley, Direction, somewhat less so, and Amount of Move, least reliable. Sometimes a calculated High will, in reality, come about at a Low in stock prices and vice versa. In other words, it’s something we should keep our eyes on, but not something to Bet the Farm on, especially in a vacuum as in the absence of other technical confirmation from real-time data generated by the actual movements of prices on Wall Street. As Bradley so aptly described the model: “At no time must the reader gain the impression that a siderograph, as such, is a prediction of what the stock market will actually do. Nevertheless, observation proves that basic reversals in collective attitudes, clearly predicted by the line, are inevitably mirrored in stock averages. A limitation of the siderograph is that it cannot be construed as a forecast of secular trend. In statistical terminology, “lines of regression” fitted to the market course and to the potential should not be expected to completely agree, for reasons obvious to everybody with keen business sense or commercial training. The siderograph may be depended upon, though, to reward its analyst with foreknowledge of coming conditions in general, so that the non-psychological factors may be evaluated accordingly. By this we mean that the potential will afford one with clues as to how the mass mind will “take” the other mechanical or governmental vicissitudes affecting high finance.”


Not included in Bradley’s work are Syzgies (New & Full Moons) and their special cases, the Eclipses, Declination Factors (North - South positions, except for Mars & Venus), Heliocentric alignments and Large Configurations composed of Multiple Harmonic Interactions among several planets, simultaneously. When the Force is extra-ordinarily perturbed by any of these other factors, the Bradley projection can go totally away (see also HERE).

Turn days in the Geocentric and Heliocentric Bradley Indices 2016:

2015-11-25 (Wed)
Low (geo)
2015-11-06 (Fri)
High (helio)
2015-12-07 (Mon)
Low (helio)
2015-12-11 (Fri)
High (geo)
2015-12-12 (Sat)
High (helio)
2015-12-20 (Sun)
Low (geo)
2015-12-25 (Fri)
High (geo)
2016-01-04 (Mon)
Low (helio)
2016-01-06 (Wed)
Low (geo)
2016-01-13 (Wed)
High (geo + helio)
2016-01-18 (Mon)
Low (geo)
2016-01-19 (Tue)
Low (helio)
2016-02-03 (Wed)
High (helio)
2016-02-05 (Fri)
High (geo)
2016-02-17 (Wed)
Low (helio)
2016-02-19 (Fri)
Low (geo)
2016-02-24 (Wed)
High (geo)
2016-02-25 (Thu)
High (helio)
2016-03-10 (Thu)
Low (geo)
2016-03-12 (Sat)
Low (helio)
2016-03-25 (Fri)
High (geo)
2016-03-26 (Sat)
High (helio)
2016-04-04 (Mon)
Low (geo + helio)
2016-04-13 (Wed)
High (geo + helio)
2016-04-22 (Fri)
Low (geo + helio)
2016-05-10 (Tue)
High (geo + helio)
2016-06-02 (Thu)
Low (geo + helio)
2016-06-14 (Tue)
High (geo + helio)
2016-06-18 (Sat)
Low (geo + helio)
2016-07-05 (Tue)
High (geo + helio)
2016-07-11 (Mon)
Low (geo + helio)
2016-07-18 (Mon)
High (geo + helio)
2016-08-08 (Mon)
Low (helio)
2016-08-10 (Wed)
Low (geo)
2016-08-18 (Thu)
High (geo + helio)
2016-09-06 (Tue)
Low (geo)
2016-09-09 (Fri)
High (geo)
2016-09-18 (Sun)
Low (geo + helio)
2016-09-29 (Thu)
High (geo)
2016-09-30 (Fri)
High (helio)
2016-10-17 (Mon)
Low (helio)
2016-10-18 (Tue)
Low (geo)
2016-11-01 (Tue)
High (helio)
2016-11-03 (Thu)
High (geo)
2016-11-13 (Sun)
Low (helio)
2016-11-15 (Tue)
Low (geo)
2016-11-24 (Thu)
High (helio)
2016-11-25 (Fri)
High (geo)
2016-11-28 (Mon)
Low (geo)
2016-11-29 (Tue)
Low (helio)
2016-12-09 (Fri)
High (geo)
2016-12-10 (Sat)
High (helio)
2016-12-14 (Wed)
Low (geo)
2016-12-15 (Thu)
Low (helio)
2016-12-28 (Wed)
High (geo + helio)
2017-01-07 (Sat)
Low (geo)
2017-01-16 (Mon)
Low (helio)
2017-01-20 (Fri)
High (geo)
2017-01-23 (Mon)
High (helio)
2017-01-28 (Sat)
Low (geo + helio)