
Sunday, June 21, 2015

SPX vs the Rhythm of the Node

Financial markets correlate with the 4-14 day cycle of the retrograde-stationary-direct motion of the Lunar True Node (North Node). This cycle can be depicted by charting the geocentric longitude and speed of the Node against e.g. the S&P 500 (speed in this context is geocentric motion of degrees longitude per day). About every 86.5 days a so called Moon Wobble occurs when the Sun is conjunct, opposite and square (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°) the Lunar Node. The Node starts wobbling about two weeks before the exact event and remains instable until about one week after. If coupled with solar and lunar eclipses, the wobble-effect can be extended. And as the Sun approaches conjunction and opposition towards the lunar node, it's motion is almost blocked (bluish shaded areas). This is a potential crash period in financial markets.

The blue dotted diagonal is the longitude of Lunar Mean Node.
The blueish verticals indicate the changes in the motion of the Lunar True Node.
The plane in which the Moon orbits the Earth is inclined at 5°09’ to the plane of the ecliptic and this plane rotates slowly over a period of
18.61 years. Over this 18.61-year nodal period the amplitude of the lunar declination increases slowly. The maximum lunar monthly declination
north and south of the equator varies between 18°18’ and 28°36’. There are maximum values of the lunar declination in 1969, 1987, 2006, 2025
and 2043, and minimum values in 1978, 1997, (September) 2015, 2034 and 2053.

The plane of the lunar orbit precesses in space completing a revolution in 6798.3835 days or 18.612958 years. The Lunar Node
enters a new sign of the zodiac (30°) every 1.551 years or every 18.613 months = 1.55 years = 80.9 weeks = 566.53 CD / 8 =
10.12 week cycle = 55 Trading Days