
Monday, November 24, 2014

Geocentric and Heliocentric Bradley Indices 2015

This astro-forecasting tool was developed by Donald Bradley and published in 1947 in a booklet titled Stock Market Prediction. On the book-cover Bradley coined his tool the ‘Planetary Barometer’ and inside the book the ‘Siderograph’. Today it is simply called the ‘Bradley Index’. 

There are two versions of the index, a geocentric and a heliocentric one. Both attempt to forecast major and minor changes in the trend in stock markets indices. The Bradley Indices do not forecast highs or lows. Simply changes in the trend or non-directional turning-points. Donald Bradley wrote: 
[...] There are many [other] cycles affecting man with causes outside our immediate world. Well known among these is the electromagnetic cycle in biology which is caused by the relationship of the sun and the moon. Even tadpoles are seriously affected by this soli-lunar cycle which incidentially proves the wisdom of the oft-ridiculed practice of planting under various circumstances of the moon in the sky. What stimulates and pacifies the pollywog stimulates and pacifies the human being periodically.
“[...] At no time must the reader gain the impression that a Siderograph, as such, is a prediction of what the stock market will actually do. Nevertheless, observation proves that basic reversals in collective attitudes, clearly predicted by the line, are inevitably mirrored in stock averages.
(See also HERE)

[Eastern Standard Time (EST) -0500 UTC] 

Geocentric Bradley Index 2015
2014-11-20 (Thu) = Major Low
2014-12-09 (Tue) = High
2014-12-26 (Fri) = Low
2015-02-16 (Mon) = @ 0
2015-03-06 (Fri) = High
2015-03-11 (Wed) = Low
2015-04-03 (Fri) = High
2015-04-14 (Tue) = Low
2015-04-25 (Sat) = High
2015-05-04 (Mon) = Low
2015-05-10 (Sun) = High
2015-05-22 (Fri) = Low
2015-06-09 (Tue) = Major High
2015-06-20 (Sat) = Low
2015-06-28 (Sun) = High
2015-07-16 (Thu) = Low
2015-07-23 (Thu) = High
2015-07-29 (Wed) = Low
2015-08-03 (Mon) = High
2015-08-27 (Thu) = Low
2015-09-05 (Sat) = High
2015-10-01 (Thu) = @ 0
2015-10-09 (Fri) = Low
2015-10-26 (Mon) = @ 0
2015-11-08 (Sun) = High
2015-11-16 (Mon) = @ 0
2015-11-25 (Wed) = Low
2015-12-11 (Fri) = High
2015-12-20 (Sun) = Low
2015-12-25 (Fri) = High
2016-01-06 (Wed) = Low
2016-01-13 (Wed) = High
2016-01-18 (Mon) = Low
Heliocentric Bradley Index 2015
2014-11-22 (Sat) = Major Low     
2014-12-09 (Tue) = High   
2014-12-26 (Fri) = Low     
2015-02-10 (Tue) = @ 0
2015-03-04 (Wed) = High  
2015-03-12 (Thu) = Low    
2015-04-03 (Fri) = High     
2015-04-12 (Sun) = Low    
2015-04-24 (Fri) = High     
2015-05-04 (Mon) = Low   
2015-05-11 (Mon) = High  
2015-05-20 (Wed) = Low   
2015-06-09 (Tue) = Major High   
2015-06-21 (Sun) = Low    
2015-06-27 (Sat) = High    
2015-07-17 (Fri) = Low     
2015-07-21 (Tue) = High   
2015-07-30 (Thu) = Low    
2015-08-03 (Mon) = High  
2015-08-23 (Sun) = Low    
2015-09-03 (Thu) = High   
2015-09-24 (Thu) = Low    
2015-09-29 (Tue) = High   
2015-10-08 (Thu) = Low    
2015-11-06 (Fri) = High
2015-11-17 (Tue) = @ 0     
2015-12-07 (Mon) = Low   
2015-12-12 (Sat) = High    
2016-01-04 (Mon) = Low   
2016-01-13 (Wed) = High  
2016-01-19 (Tue) = Low    
Geocentric and Heliocentric Bradley Indices 2015
2014-11-20 (Thu) = Major Low (geo)
2014-11-22 (Sat) = Major Low (helio)   
2014-12-09 (Tue) = High (geo + helio)   
2014-12-26 (Fri) = Low (geo + helio)     
2015-02-10 (Tue) = @ 0 (helio)
2015-02-16 (Mon) = @ 0 (geo)
2015-03-04 (Wed) = High (helio)
2015-03-06 (Fri) = High (geo)
2015-03-11 (Wed) = Low (geo)
2015-03-12 (Thu) = Low (helio)   
2015-04-03 (Fri) = High (geo + helio)    
2015-04-12 (Sun) = Low (helio)   
2015-04-14 (Tue) = Low (geo)
2015-04-24 (Fri) = High (helio)    
2015-04-25 (Sat) = High (geo)
2015-05-04 (Mon) = Low (geo + helio)  
2015-05-10 (Sun) = High (geo)
2015-05-11 (Mon) = High (helio)
2015-05-20 (Wed) = Low (helio)  
2015-05-22 (Fri) = Low (geo)
2015-06-09 (Tue) = Major High (geo + helio)   
2015-06-20 (Sat) = Low (geo)
2015-06-21 (Sun) = Low (helio)   
2015-06-27 (Sat) = High (helio)   
2015-06-28 (Sun) = High (geo)
2015-07-16 (Thu) = Low (geo)
2015-07-17 (Fri) = Low (helio)    
2015-07-21 (Tue) = High (helio)  
2015-07-23 (Thu) = High (geo)
2015-07-29 (Wed) = Low (geo)
2015-07-30 (Thu) = Low (helio)   
2015-08-03 (Mon) = High (geo + helio)  
2015-08-23 (Sun) = Low (helio)   
2015-08-27 (Thu) = Low (geo)
2015-09-03 (Thu) = High (helio)  
2015-09-05 (Sat) = High (geo)
2015-09-24 (Thu) = Low (helio)   
2015-09-29 (Tue) = High (helio)  
2015-10-01 (Thu) = @ 0 (geo)
2015-10-08 (Thu) = Low (helio)   
2015-10-09 (Fri) = Low (geo)
2015-10-26 (Mon) = @ 0 (geo)
2015-11-06 (Fri) = High (helio)
2015-11-08 (Sun) = High (geo)
2015-11-16 (Mon) = @ 0 (geo)
2015-11-17 (Tue) = @ 0 (helio)    
2015-11-25 (Wed) = Low (geo)
2015-12-07 (Mon) = Low (helio)  
2015-12-11 (Fri) = High (geo)
2015-12-12 (Sat) = High (helio)   
2015-12-20 (Sun) = Low (geo)
2015-12-25 (Fri) = High (geo)
2016-01-04 (Mon) = Low (helio)  
2016-01-06 (Wed) = Low (geo)
2016-01-13 (Wed) = High (geo + helio)  
2016-01-18 (Mon) = Low (geo)
2016-01-19 (Tue) = Low (helio)