
Friday, June 28, 2013

27 - 54 -108 - 216 - 432 - 864 │Octaves below God

At its equator, the Sun rotates with a period of about 27 days. This also equals the number of days of the duration of a sidereal revolution of the Moon (27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.5 seconds).

 1 * 27 = 27
 2 * 27 = 54 (1st octave)
 4 * 27 = 108 (2nd octave)
 8 * 27 = 216 = 6 * 6 * 6 (3rd octave) 

16 * 27 = 432 (4th octave)  

The next octave is 864.
One mean solar day = 86400 seconds (60 * 60 * 24 = 432 * 2 * 100 = 21600 * 4).  
Sun’s diameter = 864000 (English) miles = 432 * 2 * 1000 = 12 * 12 * 600
Earth's diameter = 7920 miles = 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 miles.
Earth's radius = 3960 miles = 6 * 660 miles.
Moon's diameter = 2160 miles = 6 * 6 * 60 miles
Platonic Year = 240 * 108 years = 25920 years
Platonic Month = 2160 years
Moon's radius = 1080 miles = 10 * 108 miles
108 is the atomic weight of silver, the element traditionally associated with the Moon.
100 * 108 = 10800 = Number of stanzas in the Rig Veda of 40 syllables each =
40 * 10800 = 432000 syllables in the Rigveda
108 * 1000 = 108000 = 30 * 60 * 60 = number of seconds per zodiacal sign
432000 miles = Sun's radius.
Earth's radius + the Moon's radius = 5040 miles = 7! miles = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 miles
Earth's distance from the Sun = 108 times the Sun's diameter (216 / 2). 

The axis of Earth has a 23.5 degree tilt in relation to its elliptical path. The tilting axis moves a whole circle in 25920 years = 432 *  60. This means that the Earth is in each house of the Zodiac for 2160 years (216 * 10). There are 86400 seconds in a day: 43200 for the daytime, and 43200 for the nighttime. There were 432000 fallen warriors whom the Valkyries carried to Valhalla, who rode forth to battle "for Odin in the last day". 

The Vedas and Purāṇas describe time as a manifestation of the Supreme Being. A Kali Yuga lasts 432000 years. 'Kāl' in Sanskrit means 'to measure or to calculate Kāla', the mother of the spirit of the age. A range of units of Kāla measurements are described, spanning right from Paramāṇu (time length of about 17 microseconds) to the Mahā-Manvantara (311.04 trillion years). The 4 vedic Yugas follow a timeline ratio of 4 : 3 : 2 : 1. Satya-Yuga = 4800 * 360 = 1,728,000 solar years. Tretā-Yuga = 3600 * 360 = 1,296,000 years. Dvāpara-Yuga = 2400 * 360 = 864000 years. And finally the the Kali-Yuga is 1200 * 360 = 432000 years. 1000 Yuga cycles equal one Kalpa, that is one Day of Brahma.  All these numbers are multiples of 108, the number of beads in Eastern prayer necklaces.

Plato was among the first to notice that 216 is 3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3, that is the smallest cube that is also the sum of three cubes while 432 is the sum of four consecutive primes: 103 + 107 + 109 + 113 = 432 / 2 = 216 = 6 * 6 * 6 and can be read as 666. This is the biblical number of Man, who, according to Pythagoras, exists one octave below God = 16 * 27 = 432 (= the 4th octave of the solar frequency). Stonehenge is located at 51 degrees, 10 minutes, and 42.35294118 seconds North latitude, and 51 * 10 * 42.3529 = 21600 = 43200 / 2. The musical note A has  432 Hz. 432 * 432 = 186,400 English miles are very close to the speed of light in a vacuum in English miles per second (exact 186,624). 

The Moon’s diameter is 2160 miles (radius = 1080 miles) and the Moon is 216,000 miles away from Earth, one hundred and eight times its diameter (The average distance between Moon's surface and Earth's surface is 108.3 lunar diameters). The Sun is 864,900 miles in diameter (which is roughly 108 diameters of Earth (actually 109.1) and 93465000 miles away. That is 432 times the Moon's distance (216 * 2) or roughly 108 solar diameters (216 / 2) from the surface of the Sun to the surface of the Earth (actually 107.5).

It takes the Sun 2160 years to regress one constellation. Also we arrive at 2160 years if we add 49 laps around the Sun for each of five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) so that their start and finish points are the same sidereal cycle:  Mercury 87.969 days + Venus 224.701 days + Mars 686.979 days + Jupiter 4332.554 days + Saturn 10,759.494 days = 16,091.697 days total divided by 365 = 44.086 years * 49 orbits = 2160.255

4 + 3 + 2 = 9
9 * 9 = 81
1 / 81 = 12345678
8 / 81= 98765432
98765432 * 9 = 888888888
12345678 * 9 = 111111111  

  1 * 432 = 432
  2 * 216 = 432
  3 * 144 = 432
  4 * 108 = 432
  6 * 72 = 432
  8 * 54 = 432
  9 * 48 = 432
12 * 36 = 432
16 * 27 = 432
18 * 24 = 432