
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

SPX vs George Bayer's Rule #7 - Venus at Perihelium

... Perihelium means the point where a planet is nearest to the Sun.
... I have discovered that whenever one of these two planets pass its Perihelium in geocentric longitude (also over the Aphelium), we get changes in Wheat of a few days duration ...
[George Bayer (1940): Stock and Commodity Traders´ Hand-Book of Trend Determination. Carmel, California; p. 16]

10.04.2009  00:27 SU    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN
05.16.2010  18:57 SU    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN
12.27.2010  11:52 MO    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN
08.09.2011  04:53 TU    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN
03.20.2012  21:07 TU    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN

10.31.2012  16:60 WD    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN
06.13.2013  10:03 TH    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN
01.23.2014  20:52 TH    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN
09.05.2014  11:45 FR    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN
04.18.2015  05:23 SA    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN
11.29.2015  04:00 SU    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN

07.10.2016  21:53 SU    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN
02.20.2017  12:00 MO    VEN distance to SUN @ MIN

Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.