
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

SPX vs George Bayer's Rule #27 - The Speed of Mercury

Enough has been said now about technical matters. They are very important to insure proper application of the astronomical rules.
The present law deals again with our favorite Mercury.
It is hard to realize for anyone of “modern education” that the Ancients knew all about the movements of Mercury, about its effect upon the human brains. It is too bad that scientists and students of ancient writings in their notes and particularly in their introductions stress the fact that these ancients were heathens, dumbbells, ignorance etc. Why, in the first place do they then scrutinize so anxiously these heathen works? Why don’t they throw out these works and forget about them instead of bringing bulky introductions expressing their own opinions about things they know nothing about?
Take it, the Ancients knew Mercury’s movement without spy-glasses. If they would assume that these Ancients knew much more that they themselves will ever know, these old writings would begin to talk to them. As it is now they are but Pyramids and Sphinxes to them. Although I have treated about this idea in a special chapter, each time I think of it, I just get burning mad about these people and have to blur out with a view that possibly they would wake up.
So let us take Raphael’s Ephemeris again, look at page 26-28 and follow the movements of Mercury from day to day in its longitude. Its speed ranges from 0 to 2.12. In another rule I told you already that 0 and 2.12 in Mercury’s speed bring changes of trend. Now we use Mercury’s speed when it is the same as the mean daily motion of the Sun in Longitude or double this amount. The daily motion of the Sun is 59’; double this amount is 1°58’. Each time Mercury passes these values we can expect changes of trend and, mind you, often times they give big tops and big major bottoms. I do not mean that we take the Sun and watch it when it moves 59’. The sun moves in its own cycle. We follow Mercury only.

[George Bayer (1940): Stock and Commodity Traders´ Hand-Book of Trend Determination. Carmel, California; p. 35]