
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

SPX DMA Study & Delta Forecast

In the daily SPX the exponential 5 day moving average (solid red line @ 1,362.59) crossed the 13 DMA (solid blue line @ 1,362.59) to the downside.

DMA 5 exp (red)
DMA 13 (blue)
DMA 21 (Yellow dotted)
DMA 34 (green dotted)
DMA 55 (magenta dotted)
DMA 233 (green)

The Delta-series now suggests the following:
  • ST Low on March 6(= ITD #7 LOW) followed by a pop-up into March 7-8 (= ITD #8 HIGH?). 
  • March 9 Low (10 TD Hurst Cycle Low is due on Full Moon) and turn-up intra-day. Week should close @ around 1,360.  
  • March 12-15 High (= ITD #8 HIGH).  
  • March 22-25 Major Low @ around 1,300 (= ITD #9 LOW = MTD #10 LOW) followed by a 
  • Higher High in May 7 (= SLTD #3 HIGH = LTD #8 HIGH = MTD #11 HIGH).